3.6.3 Other Aware interfaces

除了上面讨论的ApplicationContextAwareBeanNameAware,Spring提供了一系列Aware接口,允许bean向容器指示他们需要一个基础结构(SpringAPI)依赖。 最重要的Aware接口总结如下 - 作为一般规则,看名字就能知道依赖类型:

Table 3.4. Aware interfaces

名称 注入依赖 详情…
ApplicationContextAware 声明 ApplicationContext Section 3.6.2, “ApplicationContextAware and BeanNameAware”
ApplicationEventPublisherAware Event publisher of the enclosing ApplicationContext Section 3.15, “Additional Capabilities of the ApplicationContext”
BeanClassLoaderAware 加载bean的类加载器 Section 3.3.2, “Instantiating beans”
BeanFactoryAware Declaring BeanFactory Section 3.6.2, “ApplicationContextAware and BeanNameAware”
BeanNameAware Name of the declaring bean Section 3.6.2, “ApplicationContextAware and BeanNameAware”
BootstrapContextAware Resource adapter BootstrapContext the container runs in. Typically available only in JCA aware ApplicationContexts Chapter 28, JCA CCI
LoadTimeWeaverAware Defined weaver for processing class definition at load time Section 7.8.4, “Load-time weaving with AspectJ in the Spring Framework”
MessageSourceAware 配置的解决消息的策略(支持参数化和国际化) Section 3.15, “Additional Capabilities of the ApplicationContext”
NotificationPublisherAware Spring JMX notification publisher Section 27.7, “Notifications”
ResourceLoaderAware Configured loader for low-level access to resources Chapter 4, Resources
ServletConfigAware Current ServletConfig the container runs in. Valid only in a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext Chapter 18, Web MVC framework
ServletContextAware Current ServletContext the container runs in. Valid only in a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext Chapter 18, Web MVC framework

再次注意,这些接口的使用将您的代码绑定到Spring API,而不遵循控制反转风格。 因此,建议除非有需求的基础bean才使用编程式访问容器。

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